First Devlog: MVP Released


This is the update with all the basic features that I wanted in the game.

You can pick the characters, the characters have auto attack abilities and an energy ability.

You can fight the boss, he has all the basic moves that I wanted (Though he probably will get some mobility in the future).

All reported bugs and requests have been addressed, the major one being the conjurer's flame wreath visual of the flames was disappearing but you could still take damage (this unfortunately is an engine bug and not a bug in my code, so I had to make a workaround).


For the MVP i actually wanted the art to be all final. I don't consider the art final, but I don't know how to make art very well, so this is something that will probably drag. 

I wanted to give a real boost to the art before I add any more content. This means I'm  back to the point where I'm stuck. Stuck that I can't improve the visual side of the game.


I have tested the multiplayer, most of it should be working, maybe it is not working properly for the (melee) character's energy attack. I need to double check that.


MiniBoss.exe 65 MB
Jul 01, 2023
MiniBoss.dmg 236 MB
Jul 01, 2023
MiniBoss.pck 304 MB
Jul 01, 2023

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